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Let's talk about Santaphilia.

What is the fascination with the pudgy St. Nick? Well, plenty according to sources. It seems that a big portion of our population has a little crush on Santa Claus, some even entertain the idea of either fucking or getting fucked by the man in red!

Do you identify? If so, then you are a Santaphiliac!

I had the opportunity to speak to three different people about their mad crush on the jolly gift giver -- two men and a woman. Not surprisingly a lot of women have the hots for the sleigh driver too!

Max, a 35 year old male mentioned that he has always had a thing for Santa. He became enchanted by Father Christmas at an early age. "I remember going to the mall to get a photo with Santa and I got butterflies in my stomach when I saw the bearded man sitting there talking to the other kids!". Max saw Santa as how he is portrayed, a jolly man who stares in your eyes and listens to your every word. The crush begun. Christmas became his favorite holiday. "I remember when I started to masturbate as a kid, I would fantasize about Santa Claus!".

Pam, a 44 year old married woman told me that she was so turned on by Santa Claus that she ended up dating someone that resembled Santa when she was in her 20's. She met a professor at a school where she was working, who was 40 years older, but he fit all the features she wanted: pot belly, white beard, compassionate eyes. The romance lasted briefly, he was married (not to Mrs. Claus), but Pam did manage to get him to wear the outfit for her. "I went wild on him, the poor guy, I basically objectified that man wearing that Santa costume, I wore him out, sex lasted for hours!".

Santa knows when you have been bad or good! And that's a big turn on for a Santaphiliac. That's what John, a 47 year old male who said that his ultimate fantasy is Kris Kringle having his way with him sexually. John acknowledged his long term infatuation with the bearded gift giver started when he was a boy. I remember seeing Santa Claus and thinking, "I'm in love". Santa represents everything that is thoughtful in the world, however he has this little flirty tease in his eyes, he is a sexy beast!

John said his crush was pointed out as strange by others, he once had an ex-boyfriend who would not participate in his fantasy. He felt some shame until he met Norman, his current lover, who surprisingly has a white beard, pot belly and cheerful smile.

Why all this passion for good ol' Nick? Well, he is a a grown man who wears a costume, tall black boots, is aware of all your actions and has the power to give you or restrict you from getting exactly what you want! Sounds like Master Santa calls all the shots! So, let go and let Father Christmas take charge of all your fantasies!

So, do you feel the need to have Santa Claus slide down your chimney? Do you sexually objectify the North Pole resident? Take a number, you are not alone. And you are a Santaphiliac!

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